Tomb of Ineni (Superintendent of the Granaries,
Superintendent of the Workmen in the Karnak Treasuries, Superintendent
of the Royal Buildings, Ha-Prince of the city - during the reigns
of Amenhotep I, Tuthmosis I, Tuthmosis II, Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis
III) - TT81
18th Dynasty
A very important person
who held considerable power - Ineni had been in charge of building
the hall of Hatshepsut at Karnak, the excvation of the tomb of
Tuthmosis I.
A stela detailing his
autobiography had been cut in the outer chamber of the tomb -
sadly now destroyed - but fortunately a copy had been made; he
describes how he was promoted -
increased beyond everything...... I cannot tell it. But I will
tell you this, all people: hear, all: Do the good that I did,
do all likewise. My years were passed in gladness, because I
showed no treachery, I did not inform against any one, I did
no evil. I was devoid of hesitancy, I was devoid of blasphemy
towards sacred things".
The chapel itself, consists
of a front gallery cut into the rock, siz pillars support the
roof, this gallery then leads into a chamber which holds four
seated statues.
The scenes painted in
the outer chamber show the hunting of animals, the figure of
Ineni himself in these scenes has been destroyed:
in the bottom left of
this scene a hyena has been shot by an arrow and attempts to
break it off while of Ineni's hunting dogs moves in for the kill
(Ineni's leg can be seen by the dog).
Other scenes in this
chamber include Ineni and his wife seated in a garden (obviously
a keen gardener, an inscription at the top of this scene lists
the number of trees owned by Ineni - 73 sycamores, 31 acacias,
170 palms of one kind, 120 of another and more besides!). The
more 'standard' scenes show the usual offering scenes to Ineni,
and the ploughing of Ineni's fields. Another scene of interest
in this outer chamber depicts Ineni and his wife watching a parade
of foreign tribute being brought into Egypt as a result of the
successful wars of Tuthmosis I - Nubian women bringing their
children, Egyptian soldiers bringing home the spoils of war,
Asiatic women carrying their children, an Asiatic man leading
a bear, and a row showing the various baskets and other goods
Finally Ineni is shown
in his more official capacity of inspecting cattle and corn of
the temple estates (one man is shown being beaten after having
a trial).
In the inner chamber
are funeral scenes (these scenes were rubbed and defaced in antiquity),
they show the final journey of the coffin, weeping women pouring
dust on their heads, figures carry funerary furniture into the
tomb and men perform the funeral dance.
The inner chamber also
held four seated statues:
statues are 240-244cm high and show (left to right) Ineni's wife
Thuau, Ineni, Ineni's father - Ineni, and Ineni's sister Aahhotep.
(The walls on either side of the statues are scenes of Ineni's