statue of Kha found in the tomb
Tomb of Kha, Architect of the Pharaoh (Amenhotep
II **, 18th Dynasty)
Kha was
responsible for building projects not just in the reign of Amenhotep
II, but also in the reign of 3 or 4 kings: Tuthmosis III, Amenhotep
II, Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III.
- Number
TT8, discovered 1906
One of the few noble
tombs to have survived intact down through the centuries - it
was discovered by Arthur Weigall and Ernesto Schiaparelli (the
discoverers had 250 workers digging for weeks in pursuit of the
tomb held the funerary equipment of Kha and his wife Meryet -
the items found in the tomb shows the couple certainly to have
been quite wealthy during their lifetime. Unlike the chaotic
burial of Tutankhamun, the burial here was very carefully laid
out, the more important items had been covered by dust sheets,
and the floor had been swept when the last person had left.