Tomb of Nakht - Scribe of the Granaries
(reign of Tuthmosis IV) - TT52
One of
the better known tombs in the necropolis of the nobles, the paintings
in the tomb have lasted well and show various scenes of egyptian
life from the period.
Scenes in the tomb:
- Nakht and his wife sit before offerings, servants bring more
offerings to them, a bull is killed as a sacrifice to them.
A servant brings
geese to offer before Nakht.
2 - Scenes
of agriculture:
Winnowing the
grain (the grain is thrown into the air to let the chaff blow
away in the wind, while the wheat falls to the ground)
Cutting the crop,
the corn is pressed into nets to be carried away:
the land is ploughed, trees are cut down allowing new ground
to be claimed for farming:
Production of
wine - two men pick the grapes, the juices are then squeezed
out of them by men on the left - while a man is filling jars
from a tap
- Funeral Stela
4 - Funerary
the guests sit
on grass mats, women are shown talking to one another (a nude
waitress places a collar of flowers around the neck of the guests):
Three female
musicians provide the entertainment by playing on the lute and
- Nakht hunting birds in the marsh:
is shown both on the left and the right (his family is also shown
twice). On the left he holds a boomerang, on the right he hunts
with a spear - the spear was never painted in.
Other scenes
in the tomb have been left unfinished, (most probably because
Nakht had died).