The Prince, Count,
Governor of the domains of the sovereign in the lands of the
Asiatics, true and beloved Friend of the King, the Attendant
Sinuhe, says:
I was an attendant who attended his lord, a servant of the royalharem,
waiting on the Princess, the highly praised Royal Wife of King
Sesostris in Khenemsut, the daughter of King Amenemhet in Kanefru,
Nefru, the revered.
Year 30, third month of the inundation, day 7: the god ascended
to his horizon. The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Sehetepibre,
flew to heaven and united with the sun-disk, the divine body
merging with its maker. Then the residence was hushed; hearts
grieved; the great portals were shut; the courtiers were head-on-knee;
the people moaned.
His majesty, however, had dispatched an army to the land of the
Tjemeh, with his eldest son as its commander, the good god Sesostris.
He had been sent to smite the foreign lands and to punish those
of Tjehenu. Now he was returning, bringing captives of the Tjehenu
and cattle of all kinds beyond number. The officials of the palace
sent to the western border to let the king's son know the event
that had occurred at the court. The messengers met him on the
road, reaching him at night. Not a moment did he delay. The falcon
flew with his attendants, without letting his army know it.
But the royal sons who had been with him on this expedition had
also been sent for. One of them was summoned while I was standing
(there). I heard his voice, as he spoke, while I was in the near
distance. My heart fluttered, my arms spread out, a trembling
befell all my limbs. I removed myself in leaps, to seek a hiding
place. I put myself between two bushes, so as to leave the road
to its traveler.
I set out southward. I did not plan to go to the residence. I
believed there would be turmoil and did not expect to survive
it. I crossed Maaty near Sycamore; I reached Isle-of-Snefru.
I spent the day there at the edge of the cultivation. Departing
at dawn I encountered a man who stood on the road. He saluted
me while I was afraid of him. At dinner time I reached "Cattle-Quay."
I crossed in a barge without a rudder, by the force of the westwind.
I passed to the east of the quarry, at the height of "Mistress
of the Red Mountain." Then I made my way northward. I reached
the "Walls of the Ruler," which were made to repel
the Asiatics and to crush the Sand-farers. I crouched in a bush
for fear of being seen by the guard on duty upon the wall.
I set out at night. At dawn I reached Peten. I halted at "Isle-of-Kem-Wer."
An attack of thirst overtook me; I was parched, my throat burned.
I said, "This is the taste of death." I raised my heart
and collected myself when I heard the lowing sound of cattle
and saw Asiatics. One of their leaders,
who had been in Egypt, recognized me. He gave me water and boiled
milk for me. I went with him to his tribe. What they did for
me was good.
Land gave me to land. I traveled to Byblos; I returned to Qedem.
I spent a year and a half there. Then Ammunenshi, the ruler of
Upper Retenu, took me to him, saying to me: "You will be
happy with me; you will hear the language of Egypt." He
said this because he knew my character and had heard of my skill,
Egyptians who were with him having borne witness for me. He said
to me. "Why have you come here ? Has something happened
at the residence?" I said to him: "King Sehetepibre
departed to the horizon, and one did not know the circumstances."
But I spoke in half-truths: "When I returned from the expedition
to the land of the Tjemeh, it was reported to me and my heart
grew faint. It carried me away on the path of flight, though
I had not been talked about; no one had spat in my face; I had
not heard a reproach; my name had not been heard in the mouth
of the herald. I do not know what brought me to this country;
it is as if planned by god. As if a Delta-man saw himself in
Yebu, a marsh-man in Nubia."
Then he said to me: "How then is that land without that
excellent god, fear of whom was throughout the lands like Sakhmet
in a year of plague ?" I said to him in reply: "Of
course his son has entered into the palace, having taken his
father's heritage.
He is
a god without peer,
No other comes before him;
He is lord of knowledge, wise planner, skilled leader,
One goes and comes by his will.
He was
the smiter of foreign lands,
While his father stayed in the palace,
He reported to him on commands carried out.
He is
a champion who acts with his arm,
A fighter who has no equal,
When seen engaged in archery,
When joining the melee.
who makes hands turn weak,
His foes can not close ranks;
Keen-sighted he smashes foreheads,
None can withstand his presence.
he smites the fleeing,
No retreat for him who turns him his back; Steadfast in time
of attack,
He makes turn back and turns not his back.
when he sees the mass,
He lets not slackness fill his heart;
Eager at the sight of combat,
Joyful when he works his bow.
his shield he treads under foot,
No second blow needed to kill;
None can escape his arrow,
None turn aside his bow.
The Bowmen
flee before him,
As before the might of the goddess;
As he fights he plans the god,
Unconcerned about all else.
of grace, rich in kindness,
He has conquered through affection;
His city loves him more than itself,
Acclaims him more than its own god.
Men outdo
women in hailing him,
Now that he is king;
Victor while yet in the egg,
Set to be ruler since his birth.
of those born with him,
He is unique, god-given;
Happy the land that he rules!
of frontiers,
He will conquer southern lands,
While ignoring northern lands,
Though made to smite Asiatics and tread on Sand-farers!
"Send to him! Let
him know your name as one who inquires while being far from his
majesty. He will not fail to do good to a lent that will be loyal
to him."
He said to me: "Well then, Egypt is happy knowing that he
is strong. But you are here. You shall stay with me. What I shall
do for you is good."
He set me at the head of his children. He married me to his eldest
daughter. He let me choose for myself of his land, of the best
that was his, on his border with another land. It was a good
land called Yaa. Figs were in it and grapes. It had more wine
than water. Abundant was its honey, plentiful its oil. All kinds
of fruit were on its trees. Barley was there and emmer, and no
end of cattle of all kinds.
Much also came to me because of the love of me; for he had made
me chief of a tribe in the best part of his land. Loaves were
made for me daily, and wine as daily fare, cooked meat, roast
fowl, as well as desert game. For they snared for me and laid
it before me, in addition to the catch of my hounds. Many sweets
were made for me, and milk dishes of all kinds.
I passed many years, my children becoming strong men, each a
master of his tribe. The envoy who came north or went south to
the residence stayed with me. I let everyone stay with me. I
gave water to the thirsty; I showed the way to him who had strayed;
I rescued him who had been robbed. When Asiatics conspired to
attack the Rulers of Hill-Countries, I opposed their movements.
For this ruler of Retenu made me carry out numerous missions
as commander of his troops. Every hill tribe against which I
marched I vanquished, so that it was driven from the pasture
of its wells. I plundered its cattle, carried off its families,
seized their food, and killed people by my strong arm, by my
bow, by my movements and my skillful plans. I won his heart and
he loved me, for he recognized my valor. He set me at the head
of his children, for he saw the strength of my arms.
came a hero of Retenu,
To challenge me in my tent.
A champion was he without peer,
He had subdued it all.
He said he would fight with me,
He planned to plunder me,
He meant to seize my cattle
At the behest of his tribe.
The ruler conferred with me and I said: "I do not know him;
I am not his ally, that I could walk about in his camp. Have
I ever opened his back rooms or climbed over his fence ? It is
envy, because he sees me doing your commissions. I am indeed
like a stray bull in a strange herd, whom the bull of the herd
charges, whom the longhorn attacks. Is an inferior beloved when
he becomes a superior? No Asiatic makes friends with a Delta-man.
And what would make papyrus cleave to the mountain ? If a bull
loves combat, should a champion bull retreat for fear of being
equaled? If he wishes to fight, let him declare his wish. Is
there a god who does not know what he has ordained, and a man
who knows how it will be ?"
At night I strung my bow, sorted my arrows, practiced with my
dagger, polished my weapons. When it dawned Retenu came. It had
assembled its tribes; it had gathered its neighboring peoples;
it was intent on this combat.
He came toward me while I waited, having placed myself near him.
Every heart burned for me; the women jabbered. All hearts ached
for me thinking: "Is there another champion who could fight
him?" He <raised> his battle-axe and shield, while
his armful of missiles fell toward me. When I had made his weapons
attack me, I let his arrows pass me by without effect, one following
the other. Then, when he charged me, I shot him, my arrow sticking
in his neck. He screamed; he fell on his nose; I slew him with
his axe. I raised my war cry over his back, while every Asiatic
shouted. I gave praise to Mont, while his people mourned him.
The ruler Ammunenshi took me in his arms.
Then I carried off his goods; I plundered his cattle. What he
had meant to do to me I did to him. I took what was in his tent;
I stripped his camp. Thus I became great, wealthy in goods, rich
in herds. It was the god who acted, so as to show mercy to one
with whom he had been angry, whom he had made stray abroad. For
today his heart is appeased.
fugitive fled his surroundings-
I am famed at home.
A laggard lagged from hunger-
I give bread to my neighbour.
A man left his land in nakedness-
I have bright clothes, fine linen.
A man ran for lack of one to send-
I am rich in servants.
My house is fine, my dwelling spacious
My thoughts are at the palace!
Whichever god decreed
this flight, have mercy, bring me home! Surely you will let me
see the place in which my heart dwells! What is more important
than that my corpse be buried in the land in which I was born!
Come to my aid! What if the happy event should occur! May god
pity me! May he act so as to make happy the end of one whom he
punished! May his heart ache for one whom he forced to live abroad!
If he is truly appeased today, may he hearken to the
prayer of one far away! May he return one whom he made roam the
earth to the place from which he carried him off!
May Egypt's king have mercy on me, that I may live by his mercy!
May I greet the mistress of the land who is in the palace! May
I hear the commands of her children! Would that my body were
young again! For old age has come; feebleness has overtaken me.
My eyes are heavy, my arms weak; my legs fail to follow. The
heart is weary; death is near. May I be conducted to the city
of eternity! May I serve the Mistress of All! May she speak well
of me to her children; may she spend eternity above me!
Now when the majesty of King Kheperkare was told of thc condition
in which I was, his majesty sent to me with royal gifts, in order
to gladden the heart of this servant like that of a foreign ruler.
And the royal children who were in his palace sent me their messages.
Copy of the decree brought to this servant concerning his return
to Egypt:
Horus: Living in Births; the Two Ladies: Living in Births; the
King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Khperkare; the Son of Re: Sesostris,
who lives forever. Royal decree to the Attendant Sinuhe:
This decree of the King if brought to you to let you know That
you circled the foreign countries, going from Qedem to Retenu,
land giving you to land, was the counsel of your own heart. What
had you done that one should act against you ? You had not cursed,
so that your speech would be reproved. You had not spoken against
the counsel of the nobles, that your words should have been rejected.
This matter-it carried away your heart. It was not in my heart
against you. This your heaven in the palace lives and prospers
to this day. Her head is adorned with the kingship of the land;
her children are in the palace. You will store riches which they
give you; you will live on their bounty. Come back to Egypt!
See the residence in which you lived! Kiss the ground at the
great portals, mingle with the courtiers! For today you have
begun to age. You have lost a man's strength. Think of the day
of burial, the passing into reveredness.
A night is made for you with ointments and wrappings from the
hand of Tait. A funeral procession is made for you on the day
of burial; the mummy case is of gold, its head of lapis lazuli.
The sky is above you as you lie in the hearse, oxen drawing you,
musicians going before you. The dance of the mww-dancers is done
at the door of your tomb; the offering-list is read to you; sacrifice
is made before your offering-stone. Your tomb-pillars, made of
white stone, are among (those of) the royal children. You shall
not die abroad! Not shall Asiatics inter you. You shall not be
wrapped in the skin of a ram to serve as your coffin. Too long
a roaming of the earth! Think of your corpse, come back!
This decree reached me while I was standing in the midst of my
tribe. When it had been read to me, I threw myself on my belly.
Having touched the soil, I spread it on my chest. I strode around
my camp shouting: "What compares with this which is done
to a servant whom his heart led astray to alien lands? Truly
good is the kindness that saves me from death! Your ka will grant
me to reach my end, my body being at home!"
Copy of the reply to this decree:
The servant of the Palace, Sinuhe, says: In very good peace!
Regarding the matter of this flight which this servant did in
his ignorance. It is your ka, O good god, lord of the Two Lands,
which Re loves and which Mont lord of Thebes favours; and Amun
lord of Thrones-of-the-Two-Lands, and Sobk-Re lord of Sumenu,
and Horus, Hathor, Atum with his Ennead, and Sopdu-Neferbau-Semseru
the Eastern Horus, and the Lady of Yemet-may she enfold your
head-and the conclave upon the flood, and Min-Horus of the hill-countries,
and Wereret lady of Punt, Nut, Haroeris-Re, and all the gods
of Egypt and the isles of the sea-may they give life and joy
to your nostrils, may they endue you with their bounty, may they
give you eternity without limit, infinity without bounds! May
the fear of you resound in lowlands and highlands, for you have
subdued all that the sun encircles! This is the prayer of this
servant for his lord who saves from the West.
The lord of knowledge who knows people knew in the majesty of
the palace that this servant was afraid to say it. It is like
a thing too great to repeat. The great god, the peer of Re, knows
the heart of one who has served him willingly. This servant is
in the hand of one who thinks about him. He is placed under his
care. Your Majesty is the conquering Horus; your arms vanquish
all lands. May then your Majesty command to have brought to you
the prince of Meki from Qedem, the mountain chiefs from Keshu,
and the prince of Menus from the lands of the Fenkhu. They are
rulers of renown who have grown up in the love of you. I do not
mention Retenu-it belongs to you like your hounds.
Lo, this flight which the servant made-I did not plan it. It
was not in my heart; I did not devise it. I do not know what
me from my place. It was like a dream. As if a Delta-man saw
himself in Yebu, a marsh-man in Nubia. I was not afraid; no one
ran after me. I had not heard a reproach; my name was not heard
in the mouth of the herald. Yet my flesh crept, my feet hurried,
my heart drove me; the god who had willed this flight dragged
me away. Nor am I a haughty man. He who knows his land respects
men. Re has set the fear of you throughout the land, the dread
of you in every foreign country. Whether I am at the residence,
whether I am in this place, it is you who covers this horizon.
The sun rises at your pleasure. The water in the river is drunk
when you wish. The air of heaven is breathed at your bidding.
This servant will hand over to the brood which this servant begot
in this place. This servant has been sent for! Your Majesty will
do as he wishes! One lives by the breath which you give. As Re,
Horus, and Hathor love your august nose, may Mont lord of Thebes
wish it to live forever!
I was allowed to spend one more day in Yaa, handing over my possessions
to my children, my eldest son taking charge of my tribe; all
my possessions became his-my serfs, my herds, my fruit, my fruit
trees. This servant departed southward. I halted at Horusways.
The commander in charge of the garrison sent a message to the
residence to let it be known. Then his majesty sent a trusted
overseer of the royal domains with whom were loaded ships, bearing
royal gifts for the Asiatics who had come with me to escort me
to Horusways. I called each one by his name, while every butler
was at his task. When I had started and set sail, there was kneading
and straining beside me, until I reached the city of Itj-tawy.
When it dawned, very early, they came to summon me. Ten men came
and ten men went to usher me into the palace. My forehead touched
the ground between the sphinxes, and the royal children stood
in the gateway to meet me. The courtiers who usher through the
forecourt set me on the way to the audience-hall. I found his
majesty on the great throne in a kiosk of gold. Stretched out
on my belly, I did not know myself before him, while this god
greeted me pleasantly. I was like a man seized by darkness. My
ba was gone, my limbs trembled; my heart was not in my body,
I did not know life from death.
His majesty said to one of the courtiers: "Lift him up,
let him speak to me." Then his majesty said: "Now you
have come, after having roamed foreign lands. Flight has taken
its toll of you. You have aged, have reached old age. It is no
small matter that your corpse will be interred without being
escorted by Bowmen. But don't act thus, don't act thus, speechless
though your name was called!" Fearful of punishment I answered
with the answer of a frightened man: "What has my lord said
to me, that I might answer it? It is not disrespect to the god!
It is the terror which is in my body, like that which caused
the fateful flight! Here I am before you. Life is yours May your
Majesty do as he wishes!"
Then the royal daughters were brought in, and his majesty said
to the queen: "Here is Sinuhe, come as an Asiatic, a product
of nomads!" She uttered a very great cry, and the royal
daughters shrieked all together. They said to his majesty: "Is
it really he, O king, our lord?" Said his majesty: "It
is really he!" Now having brought with them their necklaces,
rattles, and sistra, they held them out to his majesty:
hands upon the radiance, eternal king, Jewels of heaven's mistress!
The Gold gives life to your nostrils,
The Lady of Stars enfolds you!
fared north, northcrown south, Joined, united by your majesty's
While the Cobra decks your brow,
You deliver the poor from harm.
Peace to you from Re, Lord of Lands!
Hail to you and the Mistress of All!
your bow, lay down your arrow,
Give breath to him who gasps for breath!
Give us our good gift on this good day,
Grant us the son of northwind, Bowman born in Egypt!
He made
the flight in fear of you,
He left the land in dread of you!
A face that sees you shall not pale,
Eyes that see you shall not fear!
His majesty said: "He
shall not fear, he shall not dread!" He shall be a Companion
among the nobles. He shall be among the courtiers. Proceed to
the robing-room to wait on him!"
I left the audience-hall, the royal daughters giving me their
hands. We went through the great portals, and I was put in the
house of a prince. In it were luxuries a bathroom and mirrors.
In it were riches from the treasury; clothes of royal linen,
myrrh, and the choice perfume of the king and of his favorite
courtiers were in every room. Every servant was at his task.
Years were removed from my body. I was shaved; my hair was combed.
Thus was my squalor returned to the foreign land, my dress to
the Sand-farers. I was clothed in fine linen; I was anointed
with fine oil. I slept on a bed. I had returned the sand to those
who dwell in it, the tree-oil to those who grease themselves
with it.
I was given a house and garden that had belonged to a courtier.
Many craftsmen rebuilt it, and all its woodwork was made anew.
Meals were brought to me from the palace three times, four times
a day, apart from what the royal children gave without a moment's
A stone pyramid was built for me in the midst of the pyramids.
The masons who build tombs constructed it. A master draughtsman
designed in it. A master sculptor carved in it. The overseers
of construction in the necropolis busied themselves with it.
All the equipment that is placed in a tomb-shaft was supplied.
Mortuary priests were given me. A funerary domain was made for
me. It had fields and a garden in the right place, as is done
for a Companion of the first rank. My statue was overlaid with
gold, its skirt with electrum. It was his majesty who ordered
it made. There is no commoner for whom the like has been done.
I was in the favour of the king, until the day of landing came.
Colophon: It is done from beginning to end as it was found in