Nimlot had close ties with his King (Takelot II), they were brothers-in-law, this bond was further strengthened when Takelot II married Nimlot's daughter, Karoama (their son was Prince Osorkon, later heir to the throne).
Nimlot was also governor of both Thebes and Heracleopolis - which in fact gave him control over all of Upper Egypt, although it was his position as High Priest at Thebes that gave the country the most stability - the Thebans accepted Nimlot, his daughter even married a 'Royal Secretary of the South'. This period of peace between Thebes and Tanis lasted almost ten years and it was during this period that Takelot II sent several of his daughters from Tanis to Thebes to become wives of Theban nobles in an effort to make a secure tie between the two cities.
It is not certain how long Nimlot remained in office at Thebes, possibly for the first ten years of Takelot's reign, he was certainly dead by Year 11. Nimlot was survived by two sons - Ptahudjankhef (probably the eldest) and Takelot.
Instead of chosing one of the sons of Nimlot to inherit the High Priest post (or Harsiese B, the possible grandson of Harsiese High Priest and King of Thebes), Takelot II decided to appoint his son - the Crown Prince Osorkon. It was a decision that would provide costly for Egypt.