Markings made by High Priests / restorers of the 21st Dynasty on the mummies and coffins:

Pasebkhanu I -

6th Year, Paophi 7, Herihor renewed wrapping of Seti I

6th Year, Phamenoth 15, Herihor renewed wrapping of Ramesses II

13th Year, Pauni 27, Pinudjem I restored mummy of Ramesses III

17th Year, Phamenoth 6, Pinudjem I removed Ramesses II and renewed his wrappings in the tomb of Seti I

Siamun -

6th Year, Phamenoth 7, Pinudjem I restored mummy of Tuthmosis II

6th Year, Pharmuthi 7, Pinudjem I renewed wrappings of Amenhotep I

7th Year, Khoiak 8, Pinudjem I moved mummy of Satkames (?)

8th Year, Phamenoth 29, Pinudjem I moved mummy of Prince Siamun

8th Year, Phamenoth 29, Pinudjem I moved mummy of Ahmose I

16th Year, Pharmuthi 11, Masaharta renewed wrappings of Amenhotep I

16th Year, Pharmuthi 13, Seti I taken from his tomb to the tomb of Inhapi

16th Year, Pharmuthi 17, Ramesses II taken from the tomb of Seti I to the tomb of Inhapi

16th Year, Khoiak 13, Ramesses I taken from the tomb of Seti I to the tomb of Inhapi

Amenemnisu -

7th Year, Mekhir 9, Menkheperre re-wrapped Seti I

10th Year, Pharmuthi 20, Seti I moved into tomb of Amenhotep I

10th Year, Pharmuthi 20, Ramesses II moved into the tomb of Amenhotep I


Unrecorded, all mummies and coffins moved into DB320