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Setna and the Magic Book
THE mighty King User.maat.ra
(Rameses the Great) had a son named Setna Kha. em.uast who was
a great scribe, and very learned in all the ancient writings.
And he heard that the magic book of Thoth, by which a man may
enchant heaven and earth, and know the language of all birds and
beasts, was buried in the cemetery of Memphis. And he went to
search for it with his brother Anhehoreru; and when they found
the tomb of the king's son, Naneferkaptah, son of the king of
Upper and Lower Egypt, Mernebptah, Setna opened it and went in.
Now in the tomb was Naneferkaptah, and with him was the ka
of his wife Ahura;
for though she was buried at Koptos, her ka dwelt at Memphis
with her husband, whom she loved. And Setna saw them seated before
their offerings, and the book lay between them. And Naneferkaptah
said to Setna, " Who are you that break into my tomb in this
way ? " He said, " I am Setna, son of the great King
Usermaatra, living for ever, and I come for that book which I
see between you." And Naneferkaptah said, "It cannot
be given to you." Then said Setna, " But I will- carry
it away by force."
Then Ahura said to Setna, " Do not take this book; for it
will bring trouble on you, as it has upon us. Listen to what we
have suffered for it."
"We were the two
children of the King Mernebptah, and he loved us very n1uch, for
he had no others; and Naneferkaptah was in his palace as heir
over all the land. And when we were grown, the king said to the
queen, I will marry Naneferkaptah to the daughter of a general,
and Ahura to the son of another general.' And the queen said,
~ No, he is the heir, let him marry his sister, like the heir
of a king, none other is fit for him.' And the king said, ' That
is not fair; they had better be married to the children of the
" And the queen said,] ' It is you who are not dealing rightly
with me.' And the king answered, ' If I have no more than these
two children, is it right that they should marry one another?
I will marry Naneferkaptah to the daughter of an officer, and
Ahura to the son of another officer. It has often been done so
in our family.'
" And at a time when there was a great feast before the king,
they came to fetch me to the feast. And I was very troubled, and
did not behave as I used to do. And the king said to me, 'Ahura,
have you sent some one to me about this sorry matter, saying,
" Ler me be married to my elder brother" I said to him,
' Well, let me marry the son of an officer, and he marry the daughter
of another officer, as it often happens so in our family.' I laughed,
and the king laughed. And the king told the steward of the palace,
' Let them take Ahura to the house of Naneferkaptah to-night,and
all kinds of good things with her.' So they brought me as a wife
to the house of Naneferkaptah; and the king ordered them to give
me presents of silver and gold, and things from the palace.
" And Naneferkaptah passed a happy time with me, and received
all the presents from the palace; and we loved one another. And
when I expected a child, they told the king, and he was most heartily
glad; and he sent me many things, and a present of the best silver
and gold and linen. And when the~ time came, I bore this little
child that is before you. And they gave him the name of Mer-ab,
and registered him in the book of the 'House of life.'
" And when my brother Naneferkaptah went to the cemetery
of Memphis, he did nothing on earth but read the writings that
are in the catacombs of the kings, and the tablets of the ~ House
of life,' and the inscriptions that are seen on the monuments,
and he worked hand on the writings. And there was a priest there
called Nesiptah; and as Naneferkaptah went into a temple to pray,
it happened that he went behind this priest, and was reading the
inscriptions that were on the chapels of the gods. And the priest
mocked him and laughed. So Naneferkaptah said to him, 'Why are
you laughing at me?' And he replied, ' I was not laughing at you,
or if I happened to do so, it was at your reading writings that
are worthless. If you wish so much to read writings, come to me,
and I will bring you to the place where the book is which Thoth
himself wrote with his own hand, and which will bring you to the
gods. When you read but two pages in this you will enchant the
heaven, the earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea; you
shall know what the birds of the sky and the crawling things are
saying; you shall see the fishes of the deep, for a divine power
is there to bring them up out of the depth. And when you read
the second page, if you- ate in the world of ghosts, you will
become again in the shape you were in on earth You will
see the sun shining in the sky, with all the gods, and the full
"And Naneferkaptah said, ' By the life of the king! Tell
me of anything you want done and I'll do it for you, if you will
only send me where this book is.' And the priest answered Naneferkaptah,
' lf you want to go to the place where the book is, you must give
me a hundred pieces of silver for my funeral, and provide that
they shall bury me as a rich priest.' So Naneferkaptah called
his lad and told him to give the priest a hundred pieces of silver;
and he made them do as he wished, even everything that he asked
for. Then the priest said to Naneferkaptah,'. This book is in
the middle of the river at Koptos, in an iron box; in the iron
box is a bronze box; in the bronze box is a sycamore box; in the
sycamore box is an ivory and ebony box; in the ivory and ebony
box is a silver box; in the silver box is a golden box, and in
that is the book. It is twisted all round with snakes and scorpions
and all the other crawling things around the box in which the
book is; and there is a deathless snake by the box.' And when
the priest told Naneferkaptah, he did not know where on earth
he was, he was so much delighted.
" And when he came from the temple he told me all that had
happened to him. And he said, ' I shall go to Koptos, for I must
fetch this book; I will not stay any longer in the north.' And
I said, 'Let me dissuade you, for you prepare sorrow and you will
bring me into trouble in the Thebaid.' And I laid my hand on Naneferkaptah,
to keep him from going to Koptos, but he would not listen to me;
and he went to the king, and told the king all that the priest
had said. The king asked him, ' What is it that you want? ' and
he replied, ' Let them give me the royal boat with its belongings,
for I will go to the south with Ahura and her little boy Mer-ab,
and fetch this book without delay.' So they gave him the royal
boat with its belongings, and we went with him to the haven, and
sailed from there up to Koptos.
" Then the priests of Isis of Koptos, and the high priest
of Isis, came down to us without waiting, to meet Naneferkaptah,
and their wives also came to me. We went into the temple of Isis
and Harpokrates; and Naneferkaptah brought an ox, a goose, and
some wine, and made a burnt-offering and a drink-offering before
Isis of Koptos and Harpokrates. They brought us to a very fine
house, with all good things; and Naneferkaptah spent four days
there and feasted with the priests of Isis of Koptos, and the
wives of the priests of Isis also made holiday with me. "
And the morning of the fifth day came; and Naneferkaptah called
a priest to him, and made a magic cabin that was full of men and
tackle. He put the spell upon it, and put life in it, and gave
them breath, and sank it in the water. He filled the royal boat
with sand, and took leave of me, and sailed from the haven: and
I sat by the river at Koptos that I might see what would become
of him. And he said, ' Workmen, work for me, even at the place
where the book is.' And they toiled by night and by day; and when
they had reached it in three days, he threw the sand out, and
made a shoal in the river. And then he found on it entwined serpents
and scorpions and all kinds of crawling things around the box
in which the book was; and by it he found a deathless snake around
the box. And he laid the spell upon the entwined serpents and
scorpions and all kinds of crawling things which were around the
box, that they should not come out. And he went to the deathless
snake, and fought with him, and killed him; but he came to life
again, and took a new form. He then fought again with him a second
time; but he came to life again, and took a third form. He then
cut him in two parts, and put sand between the parts, that he
should not appear again.
" Na.nefer.ka.ptah then went to the place where he found
the box. He uncovered a box of iron, and opened it; he found then
a box of bronze, and opened that; then he found a box of sycamore
wood, and opened that; again, he found a box of ivory and ebony,
and opened that; yet, he found a box of silver, and opened that;
and then he found a box of gold; he opened that, and found the
book in it. He took the book from the golden box, and read a page
of spells from it. He enchanted the heaven and the earth, the
abyss, the mountains, and the sea; he knew what the birds of the
sky, the fish of the deep, and the beasts of the hills all said.
He read another page of the spells, and saw the sun shining in
the sky, with all the gods, the full moon, and the stars in their
shapes; he saw the fishes of the deep, for a divine power was
present that brought them up from the water. He then read the
spell upon the workmen that he had made, and taken from the haven,
and said to them, 'Work for me, back to the place from which I
came.' And they toiled night and day, and so he came back
to the place where I sat by the river of Koptos; I had
not drunk nor eaten anything, and had done nothing on earth, but
sat like one who is gone to the grave.
" I then told Naneferkaptah that I wished to see this book,
for which we had taken so much trouble. He gave the book into
my hands; and when I read a page of the spells in it I also enchanted
heaven and earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea; I also
knew what the birds of the sky, the fishes of the deep, and the
beasts of the hills all said. I read another page of the spells,
and I saw the sun shining in the sky with all the gods, the full
moon, and the stars in their shapes; I saw the fishes of the deep,
for a divine power was present that brought them up from the water.
As I could not write, I asked Naneferkaptah, who was a good writer,
and a very learned one; he called for a new piece of papyrus,
and wrote on it all that was in the book before him. He dipped
it in beer, and washed it off in the liquid; for he knew that
if it were washed off, and he drank it, he would know all that
there was in the writing.
" We returned back to Koptos the same day, and made a feast
before Isis of Koptos and Harpokrates. We then went to the haven
and sailed, and went northward of Koptos. And as we went on Thoth
discovered all that Naneferkaptah had done with the book; and
Thoth hastened to tell Ra, and said, 'Now know that my book and
my revelation are with Naneferkaptah, son of the King Mernebptah.
He has forced himself into my place, and robbed it, and seized
my box with the writings, and killed my guards who protected it.'
And Ra replied to him, 'He is before you, take him and all his
kin.' He sent a power from heaven with the command,
Do not let Naneferkaptah return safe to Memphis with all his kin.'
And after this hour, the little boy Mer-al~, going out from the
awning of the royal boat, fell into the river: he called on Ra,
and everybody who was on the bank raised a cry. Naneferkaptah
went out of the cabin, and read the spell over him; he brought
his body up because a divine power brought him to the surface.
He read another spell over him, and made him tell of all what
happened to him, and of what Thoth had said before Ita.
"We turned back with him to Koptos. We brought him to the
Good House, we fetched the people to him, and made one embalm
him; and we buried him in his coffin in the cemetery of Koptos
like a great and noble person". And Naneferkaptah, my brother,
said, ' Let us go down, let us not delay, for the king has not
yet heard of what has happened to him, and his heart will be sad
about it.' So we went to the haven, we sailed, and did not stay
to the north of Koptos. When we were come to the place where the
little boy Mer-ab had fallen in the water, I went out from the
awning of the royal boat, and I fell into the river. They called
Naneferkaptah, and he came out from the cabin of the royal boat;
he read a spell over me, and brought my body up, because a divine
power brought me to the surface. He drew me out, and read the
spell over me, and made me tell him of all that had happened to
me, and of what Thoth had said before Ra. Then he turned back
with me to Koptos, he brought me to the Good House, he fetched
the people to me, and made one embalm me, as great and noble people
are buried, and laid me in the tomb where Mer-ab my young child
'`He turned to the haven, and sailed down, and delayed in the
north of Koptos. When he was come to the place where we fell into
the river, he said to his heart, ' Shall I not better turn back
again to Koptos, that I may lie by them? For, if not, when I go
down to Memphis, and the king asks after his children, what shall
I say to him ? Can I tell him, ``I have taken your children to
the Thebaid, and killed them, while I remained alive, and I have
come to Memphis still alive"? ' Then he made them bring him
a linen cloth of striped byssus; he made a band, and bound the
book firmly, and tied it upon him. Naneferkaptah then went out
of the awning of the royal boat and fell into the river. He cried
on Ra; and all those who were on the bank made an outcry, saying,
' Great woe! Sad woe! Is he lost, that good scribe and able man
that has no equal?'
" The royal boat went on, without any one on earth knowing
where Naneferkaptah was. It went on to Memphis, and they told
all this to the king. Then the king went down to the royal boat
in mourning, and all the soldiers and high priests and priests
of Ptah were in mourning, and all the officials and courtiers.
And when he saw Nanefer.kaptah, who was in the inner cabin of
the royal boat-from his rank of high scribe- he lifted him up.
And they saw the book by him; and the king said, ' Let one hide
this book that is with him.' And the officers of the king, the
priests of Ptah, and the high priest of Ptah, said to the king,
' Our Lord, may the king live as long as the sun! Naneferkaptah
was a good scribe, and a very skilful man;' And the king had him
laid in his Good House to the sixteenth day, and then had him
wrapped to the thirty-fifth day, and laid him out to the seventieth
day, and then had him put in his grave and resting place.
" I have now told you the sorrow which has come upon us because
of this book for which you ask, saying, ' ket it be given to me.'
You have no claim to it; and, indeed, for the sake of it, we have
given up our life on earth."
And Setna said to Ahura, "Give me the book which I see between
you and Naneferkaptah; for if you do not I will take it by force."
Then Naneferkaptah rose from his seat and said, " Are vou
Setna, to whom my wife has told of all these blows of fate, which
you have not suffered? Can you take this book by your skill as
a good scribe? If, indeed, you can play games with me, let us
play a game, then, of 52 points." And Setna said,
" I am ready," and the board and its pieces were put
before him. And Naneferkaptah won a game from Setna; and he put
the spell upon him, and defended himself with the game board that
was before him, and sunk him into the ground above his feet. He
did the same at the second game, and won it from Setna, and sunk
him into the ground to his waist.
He did the same at the third game, and made him sink into the
ground up to his ears. Then Setna struck Naneferkaptah a great
blow with his hand. And Setna called his brother Anhehoreru and
said to him, " Make haste and go up upon earth, and tell
the king all that has happened to me, and bring me the talisman
of my father Ptah, and my magic books." And he hurried up
upon earth, and told the king all that had happened to Setna.
The king said, " Bring him the talisman of his father Ptah,
and his magic books." And Anhehoreru hurried down into the
tomb; he laid the talisman on Setna, and he sprang up again immediately.
And then Setna reached out his hand for the book, and took it.
Then-as Setna went out from the tomb-there went a Light before
him, and Darkness behind him. And Ahura wept at him, and she said,
" Glory to the King of Darkness! Hail to the King of Light!
all power is gone from the tomb.'' But Naneferkaptah said to Ahura,
" Do not let your heart be sad; I will make him bring back
this book, with a forked stick in his hand, and a fire-pan on
his head." And Setna went out fron1 the tomb, and it closed
behind hin1 as it was before.
Then Setna went to the king, and told him everything that had
happened to him with the book. And the king said to Setna, "Take
back the book to the grave of Naneferkaptah, like a prudent man,
or else he will make you bring it with a forked stick in your
hand, and a fire-pan on your head." But Setna would not listen
to him; and when Setna had unrolled the book he did nothing on
earth but read it to everybody.
[Here follows a story of how Setna, walking in the court of the
temple of Ptah, met
Tabubna, a fascinating girl, daughter of a priest of Bast, of
Anehtaui; how she repelled his advances, until she had beguiled
him into giving up all his possessions, and slaying his children.
At the last she gives a fearful cry and vanishes, leaving Setna
bereft of even his clothes. This would seem to be merely a dream,
by the disappearance of Tabubua, and by Setna finding his children
alive after it all; but on the other hand he comes to his senses
in an unknown place, and is so terrified as to be quite ready
to make restitution to Naneferkaptah. The episode, which is not
creditable to Egyptian society, seems to be intended for one of
the vivid dreams which the credulous readily accept as half realities.
So Setna went to Memphis, and embraced his children for that they
were alive. And the king said to him, " Were you not drunk
to do so? " Then Setna told all things that had happened
with Tabubua and Naneferkaptah. And the king said, "Setna,
I have already lifted up my hand against you before, and said,
' He will kill you if you do not take back the book to the place
you took it from.' But you have never listened to me till this
hour. Now, then, take the book to Naneferkaptah, with a forked
stick in your hand, and a fire-pan on your head." So Setna
went out from before the king, with a forked stick in his hand,
and a fire pan on his head. He went down to the tomb in which
was Naneferkaptah. And Ahura said to him, "It is Ptah, the
great god, that has brought you back safe." Na.neferkaptah
laughed, and he said, " This is the business that I told
you before.,' And when Setna had praised Naneferkaptah, he found
it as the proverb says, `' The sun was in the whole tomb.'' And
Ahura and Naneferkaptah besought Setna greatly. And Setna said,
" Naneferkaptah, is it aught disgraceful (that you lay on
me to do) ? " And Naneferkaptah said, " Setna, you know
this, that Ahura and Mer-ab, her child, behold! They are in Koptos;
bring them here into this tomb, by the skill of a good scribe.
Let it be impressed upon you to take pains, and to go to Koptos
to bring them here." Setna then went out from the tomb to
the king, and told the king all that Naneferkaptah had told him.
The king said, " Setna, go to Koptos and bring back Ahura
and Mer-ab." He answered the king, " Let one give me
the royal boat and its belongings. " And they gave him the
royal boat and its belongings, and he left the haven, and sailed
without stopping till he came to Koptos.
And they made this known to the priests of Isis at Koptos and
to the high priest of Isis; and behold they came down to him,
and gave him their hand to the shore. He went up with them and
entered into the temple of Isis of Koptos and of Harpokrates.
He ordered one to offer for him an ox, a goose, and some wine,
and he made a burnt-offering and a drink-offering before Isis
of Koptos and Harpokrates. He went to the cemetery of Koptos with
the priests of Isis and the high priest of Isis. They dug about
for three days and three nights, for they searched even in all
the catacombs which were in the cemetery of Koptos; they turned
over the steles of the scribes of the " double house of life,"
and read the inscriptions that they found on them. But they could
not find the resting-place of Ahura and Mer-ab.
Now Naneferkaptah perceived that they could not find the resting-place
of Ahura and her child Mer-ab. So he raised himself up as a venerable,
very old, ancient, and came before Setna. And Setna saw him, and
Setna said to the ancient, " You look like a very old man,
do you know where is the resting- place of Ahura and her child
Mer-ab ? " The ancient said to Setna, "It was told by
the father of the father of my
father to the father of my father, and the father of my father
has told it to my father; the resting-place of Ahura and of her
child Mer-ab is in a mound south of the town of Pehemato (?) "
And Setna said to the ancient, " Perhaps we may do damage
to Pehemato, and you are ready to lead one to the town for the
sake of that." The ancient replied to Setna, " If one
listens to me, shall he therefore destroy the town of Pehemato
! If they do not find Ahura and her child. Mer-ab under the south
corner of their town may I be disgraced." They attended to
the ancient, and found the resting-place of Ahura and her child
Mer-ab under the south corner of the town of Pehemato. Setna laid
them in the royal boat to bring them as honoured persons, and
restored the town of Pehemato as it originally was. And Naneferkaptah
made Setna to know that it was he who had come to Koptos, to enable
them to find out where the resting-place was of Ahura and her
child Mer-ab.
So Setna left the haven in the royal boat, and sailed without
stopping, and reached Memphis with all the soldiers who were with
him. And when they told the king he came down to the royal boat.
He took them as honoured persons escorted to the catacombs, in
which Naneferkaptah was, and smoothed down the ground over them.
is the completed writing of the tale of Setna Kha.em.uast, and
Na.nefer.ka.ptah, and
his wife Ahura, and their child Mer-ab. It was written in the
35th~year, the month Tybi.