third eldest of Ankhenaten's six daughters.
of birth / first appearance:
Although it is not possible to give an exact date of Ankhesenamun's
birth, by using the dating of inscriptions from the Boundary
Stelae from around Akhetaten / Amarna, it is possible to give
a time frame into which Ankhesenamun (Ankhesenpaaten) had been
born. (In his book 'AKhenaten, King of Egypt', C. Aldred states
it is possible that the three eldest daughters were alive by
Year 3).
of Ankhesenamun:
It is possible that during the last three years of Akhenaten's
reign he attempted to father children with his three eldest daughters
(Meketaten died while in child birth, shown from a graphic scene
from the royal tomb). Both Meritaten and Ankhesenpaaten both
gave him children - these were called after their mothers but
with the addition of 'ta-sherit' after their names (junior).
The remains of two children of Tutankhamun and Akhesenamun were
found within KV62 - both been girls, and both were premature
births and died soon after birth (the first was of no more than
5 months gestation, the second possibly of 7 to 9 months gestation
had a condition called Spengel's deformity with spina bifida
and scoliosis)
- wife of Akhenaten
Following the death / dissappearance of Nefertiti, Akhenaten
had taken his eldest daughter, Meritaten, as his Chief Queen.
During the coronation of Smenkhkare as co-regent with Akhenaten,
Meritaten was to become the wife of this new king. Akhenaten
himself took his next eldest daughter as his new queen - Akhesenpaaten
(Year 15).
- wife of Smenkhkare
the death of both Smenkhkare's wife, Meritaten, and Akhenaten
himself, Ankhesenamun then married Smenkhkare for a short period
of time (1 to 3 years).
- wife of Tutankhamun
On the death of Smenkhkare, the young boy-king Tutankhaten inheritated
the throne - on his accession to the throne he was married to
the older Ankhesenpaaten (Tutankhaten is thought to have been
8, while Ankhesenpaaten was 13) - during these first couple of
years of Tutankhaten's reign they both lived in the North city
of Akhetaten. Soon the royal court was to return to Thebes, the
religion of Egypt was turned back from the heresy of Ankhenaten
and the monothesim of Aten worship to the conventional worship
of the 'old gods' (to reflect this change both the names of the
new king and queen were emptied of the Aten influence and gave
voice to the power of Amun the reinstated state god).
the name of Tutankhaten
- letter to King Suppiluliumas
After the sudden death of Tutankhamun a letter was sent from
Ankhesenamun to the Hittite King Suppiluliumas (it should be
noted that the actual queen who sent this letter cannot be definitely
stated (the queen is called 'Dahamunzu' and her died husband
'Niphururiya'), the letter has been dated to the latter end of
the 18th Dynasty and given the wording of the letter the most
favoured author IS Ankhesenamun, however, in his book 'Akhenaten
- Egypt's false prophet' states that was Nefertiti (orignal queen
of Akhenaten and Ankhesenamun's mother) that sent the letter).
The letter requested that the Hittite king send one of his sons
to marry the widowed Queen and so be the next pharaoh of Egypt.
In the letter the queen states that;
'My husband has died and I have no son. They say about you that
you have many sons. You might give me one of your sons to become
my husband. Never shall I pick out a servant of mine and make
him my husband!....I am afraid!'.
As the relations between the Hittite and Egyptian peoples were
at this stage quite hostile, this strange and unprescendented
letter received a very suspicious response, the Hittite king
sent his chamberlin to Egypt to investigate, he met with the
queen and brought back a second message:
'Why did you say "they deceive me" in that way? Had
I a son, would I have written about my own and my country's shame
to a foreign land? You did not believe me and you have said as
much to me! He who was my husband has died. A son I have not!
Never shall I take a servant of mine and make him my husband!
Ihave written to no other country; only to you have I written!
They say your sons are many: so give me one of your sons! To
me he will be husband, but in Egypt he will be King!'
Suppiluliumas was finally convinced he sent his son, the Prince
Zannanza, to Egypt - the plan was foiled by Egyptian who has
no wish to see a foreigner on the throne of Egypt, the Hittite
Prince was killed.
- wife of AY
After the failed attempt to marry an Hittite Prince, Ankhesenamun
was obliged to marry her probably grandfather Ay (although linked
to the royal bloodline he needed a stronger link). Little more
is heard from Ankhesenamun - all that remains is evidence of
her marriage to Ay, a blue glass finger ring with both her and
Ay's name engraved. After Ay becomes King of Egypt, Ankhesenamun
dissapears, in Ay's tomb there is no sign of her, it is Ay's
wife Tiy who appears with him.
Ankhesenamun murdered?
Her links with the Aten heresy too strong, her traitorous attempt
to place an Hittite Prince on the throne sign her death warrant,
once Ay was King he had no further need of her and wished to
prevent others from similarly using her, or a further attempt
to father with her finally kill her? No evidence of her tomb
or burial has yet been find perhaps she waits in the Valley of
the Kings or Theban tomb of the Nobles still!
Minature coffin
from the tomb of Tutankhamun, this held one of the premature
babies born to Ankhesenamun.