An entrance pit
descends a short 4m (13ft) down into the earth (hand holes used
by the ancient builders are still visible) - at the bottom of
the pit a narrow sloping passage led into an undecorated chamber,
a pit from this room led into a second at the end of which lay
the decorated burial chamber.
The burials had survived
the years intact - in the burial chamber a total of eleven mummies
were found - they consisted of:
Iyneferty (Sennedjem's wife), Khons and his wife Tamakhet (son
and daughter-in-law of Sennedjem), the Lady Isis wife of Khabekhnet
(second son of Sennedjem).
Some funerary objects
from the tomb:

Upper part of
the inner coffin belonging to Khons
Sarcophagus of
Canopic Jar from
the tomb:
Although the tomb was
cleared systemtically with notes taken at every stage several
items from the tomb were either damaged, destroyed, lost, stolen
before they even reached Maspero's steamer (only one mummy head
survived the journey).
in the tomb:
The final burial chamber
is covered with scenes of Sennedjem and his family - firstly
there are the usual funerary scenes - Anubis attends Sennedjem's
Sennedjem and Iyneferty
then face tribunals of gods - pleading to be allowed admittance:
appears again - this time he leads Sennedjem forward to be judged
by Osiris who stands waiting underneath a canopy:
Scenes on the eastern
walls of the tomb show Sennedjem and his family in the Beyond,
ploughing fields and living for eternity: